The MagiKats English programmes work best when students attend workshops: places where children and teenagers come to make the most of their potential. Every child receives an individual programme, designed to support them every step of the way. They develop not only subject skills, but also thinking skills, problem solving skills and social skills. 

We recommend that workshops last for 40-60 minutes and students attend once per week. Whilst at a workshop, they should receive support from their tutor on topics which should be challenging, yet rewarding. Every student works as part of a small group (no more than six) and benefits from interaction with their peers, through discussion, hands-on activities and partner working.

This is just one way of working - with a materials licence from MagiKats, the choice is yours!

Age 5 to 7

When it comes to providing tuition for 5 to 7 year olds, we focus on topics that build their foundation literacy skills, such as reading and writing. Although most children will be in primary school at this age, they may lack the study skills and confidence needed to make the most of this time, so we help them develop fine and gross motor skills, improve their concentration ability and study approaches as well as grasp the basic literacy skills needed for this stage in their education. Click here to download a sample

Age 7 to 9

MagiKats English tutoring not only supports your child in developing their literacy skills such as spelling, grammar and punctuation, but also helps to give them the focus and self belief required to tackle their subject areas confidently. Click here to download a sample

These topics include: rhythm; phonics & spelling; high frequency word recognition & vocabulary development; constructing sentences; synonyms & antonyms; consequences; reading & writing comprehension of both fiction & non-fiction texts.

Age 9 to 11

During this period, MagiKats continues to help your child master the literacy topics as they usually transition to secondary or high school. The confidence your child will have in knowing they are well prepared for any exam they might sit will ensure they achieve their full potential. Additionally, as children move from early to later stages education, the skills needed to succeed at school change and so this is also reflected in our English tutoring. Click here to download a sample

Topics we cover include: word development; different types of punctuation & their uses; vocabulary devices; dialogue; biography; discussion & persuasive writing; reading & writing comprehension of both fiction & non-fiction texts.

Age 11 to 14

At the start of secondary school education, MagiKats provides support across a variety of English topics to help consolidate and improve our students' English skills. We aim to make the change in learning style from early to later stages of education as smooth as possible so that students can apply what they have already learned, focus on their work and have the confidence to tackle new challenges. Click here to download a sample

Topics may include: vocabulary development & correct usage; presentation & construction of sentences; vocabulary devices; reading & writing comprehension of both fiction & non-fiction texts; rhymes; synopsis.

Age 14+

We know that the last few years of secondary school are vital. MagiKats has designed a programme for teens which is aimed at keeping them highly motivated to reach their potential. MagiKats English tutoring compliments all high school topics and helps to consolidate the subject skills needed to take students through to formal exams. We aim to equip our students with life skills that will take them through their last years of secondary school, further and higher education and into the working world. Click here to download a sample